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Mythic Times 2. 01. By Steve Nelson   Tweet. The Shift Doctors (Tracy Latz, M. D. & Marion Ross, Ph. D.) are  thrilled once again to have our good friend and guest blogger Steve Nelson return to share his wisdom. His annual prediction is always a delight to read and a good indication of what to expect in the coming year. Steve is an astrologer who follows a Jungian mythological tradition.

He was raised by a part Cherokee shaman Aunt Maude who learned much of her lore from Molly Runningwolf, the mother of Amanita Sequoyah, the last Cherokee medicine man officially recognized by the Eastern Tribe. Steve’s Indian name is Steven Red Wolf, his lineage is of the wolf clan, one of the 7 tribal groups of the Cherokee. Steve follows many of the Cherokee traditions especially as these relate to celebrations, the use of ritual fire and star lore. For more information about Steve Nelson see www. Gaia. Astrology. com. Mythic Times 2. 01. In 2. 01. 2 the Feathered Serpent will fly, and all our souls’ dream visions come alive.

Through power of the One, two plus two sum shines the light of the 5th World’s Re- Creation. Quintessence, 5th element, philosopher’s stone are realized when this movement is done. In the 1. 2th year of century Twenty- One, the World Woman’s magic dance is done. New Zeus opposed Saturn at New Year will bring the Fall of the Tower, Return of the King. The great shaking of Gaia opens the way calling Heart Warriors into the fray. As Candlemas fires stir hearts desire the Dragon awakens from its lair,And Anduril, Aragorn’s sword of truth, frees the Spirit King forsooth.

Dragon Fire rises ‘neath Lenten Moon tamed by the magic of Othala’s rune; Energy flows where attention goes, we seek Love’s kingdom, end of woes. So the Light of the dawning Equinox Sun raises the Serpent of Tenochtitlan,And the Dark Tower falls to the rising Star of the Occupy legions’ Avatar. While Grand Trine to Sun in Aries portends bright new beginnings as hearts make amends.

Moon joining the Sun will open the way for all to make merry in month of May. Souls attuned in this Year of the Moon see wishes fulfilled in the month of June. Then Medicine Wheels of every clime, begin to turn at Solstice time. With cymbals, drums and flutes in tune happiness rises with Midsummer’s Moon. The Phoenix alights in the City of the Sun, as Mother Nature’s work is done; The 1. Tribe Nations of Inca awaken to the way of Sol so long forsaken; And great Europa will likewise resound as the Song of the West makes its round. The hearts of All Nations open too as the light of Sol is reflected true; So this White Horse Avatar Year will bring a song that every soul can sing; And 7th ray magic dance and play on waters of Luna to show the way.

Liberty shines from her Island of Love as hearts attune to the Sign of the Dove; And the Green Dragon led by a Fair Lady’s girdle, brings power to the golden City of Myrtle. The Crown Stone forgotten, chief of the corner, is revealed now in grain fields, Gaia’s rejoinder.

As the Stymphalian birds that shaded the Sun give way to the glory of the One. Then the Eagles return with the gay folk of old calling Souls of all ages back to the fold,And the Ring War ends in the halls of power through gentle hands by wind and shower. As Light and Love and Power unite, the new Creation comes round right. At Solstice the Feathered Serpent will fly and all our souls’ dream visions come alive.– Steve Nelson. Mythic Times 2. 01. World View. This is the year that has long been looked toward with hope and foreboding and rightly so.

The good in us is right to be hopeful and the old world shadow has reason for concern. An array of myths apply to this time so it is no easy task to see what will be. And in the end isn’t it true that what will be is part fixed cycle and part what we choose. Collectively we create the future and this is our time (especially now Jan 1 – Feb 3) to see possibility and to seed what will be. The Yuletide season is our time to dream and shape the future year. The year is seeded at a deep inner level during the Capricorn solstice (Dec 1. The New Year unfolds more consciously its theme and story through the 1.

Days of Yule / Christmas Dec 2. Jan 6 and the reflection wave that follows Jan 7 – 1. Dreams and events of this time provide guidance for the coming year. The images we give concerted attention will come to be. On New Year’s Eve people throughout the world tuned in to Times Square to listen to the count down and watch the giant crystal ball descend from its 7.

The Shift Doctors (Tracy Latz, M.D. & Marion Ross, Ph.D.) are thrilled once again to have our good friend and guest blogger Steve Nelson return to share his wisdom. Quotes. What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a.

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Friendship” is the message inscribed in this year’s Crystal Ball. Our Friend Ship is this precious Earth vessel in which we sail the universe together. By the close of this year we and our beloved planet will experience a shift into a new state of global consciousness that esoteric teachings term Initiation. New York City has an important role to play in this great awakening. Jan 6, Epiphany, celebrates the birth of the new Aeon, child of the new year. A year begins on many levels, The 2. Lunar New Year of the Dragon begins on Jan 2.

The year begins on the natural outer world level when the Sun enters Aries and the zodiacal year begins March 2. Watch Westward The Women Megavideo. Jupiter, the new king, rising in opposition to the malefic old world king Saturn. It’s no longer business as usual as Jupiter moves forward from the pivotal first degree of Taurus bringing a great turn of fortune to those allied with the newly emerging celestial forces. The kings of the old order and the new in mystic triangle with oceanic Neptune activate the realization of global prophecies. Uranus (the higher octave of Mercury) aligns with Jupiter adding an extraordinary magic to this cosmic mix: the wizard Gandalf comes to the aid of the newly emerging king.

Magical Mercury’s foray through the underworld (Out of Bounds South) Jan 7- 2. Gandalf the Gray’s battle with the Balrog dragon and fall into the abyss from which he emerges as Gandalf the White.

Our understanding of shadow forces is sharpened in preparation for the global transformation slated for the end of winter and beginning of spring. Venus Evening Star/Hesperus conducts us into 2. Hesperus refers to the Hesperides where the golden apple tree of Venus grows. Evening Star Venus is also called Venus Cerridwen to honor the original Queen of the Apple Isle. Cerridwen keeps a Cauldron of Inspiration, rebirth and healing that is the original Holy Grail. Inspirational Venus chi is gathered by raising left palm toward her light and holding right palm over the hara chi center below the navel.

Unless you understand how reality is manifested, your destiny and the destiny of the planet will be in the hands of the ruling elite who do understand it. Receive our Shift Catalyst e-zine, program updates and event notices. Watch Dogs 2 got its final patch today, which makes impossible to use mods while online if you’re playing on PC. The game’s publisher, Ubisoft, says that this is.

Breathe deeply to absorb the subtle energies of Venus. Uranus is the global revolutionary, Venus Hesperus shapes this revolution.

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Benefic Jupiter in harmonic relation with Uranus now brings a favorable turn of fortune for the year. Jupiter is the king and order of things, Evening Venus transforms the king and brings forth the true king. Venus and Jupiter/Uranus together open new dimensions of creative expression and discovery.

The Mayans saw Evening Star Venus as the sundog Xolotl sitting in a caldron “pushing the Sun into healing darkness.” Long held secrets are revealed, heroes and kings are healed, leaders change or remove from the scene when Venus Xolotl is seen. So begins this prophetic year 2.

The Mayans know Morning Star Venus as Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent. The “flying of the Feathered Serpent” predicts a time when America comes to full life and spiritual expression. When does the Feathered Serpent fly? When Venus rises before the Sun in a special time at the end of this great year.

Venus becomes Morning Star again soon after her mythic Transit of the Sun on June 5 2. Yes, 2. 01. 2 begins the time of the great Mythic Convergence and the most relevant myths for this year are: 1) The Lord of the Rings including the Fall of the Dark Tower and Return of the King that is slated to occur March 2. Watch The Package Online Freeform. This great transformation is portended by the monstrous Serpent Storm on Saturn. The key dates for this year are listed in Tolkien’s Chronology. The first of these dates was Dec 2.

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