Watch Batman: The Killing Joke Full Movie

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In the New Harley Quinn and Batman Comic, Classic Harley Gets an Important, Modern Update. Though the Batman and Harley Quinn animated movie and its tie- in comics are brand new, everything about them, from their visual aesthetic to the tone of their dialogue, feels as if they were plucked right out of Batman: The Animated Series.

  1. Kevin Conroy, Actor: Batman: The Animated Series. Kevin Conroy was born on November 30, 1955 in Westbury, New York. At age 17, Kevin earned a full scholarship to.
  2. Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (also known as Batman of the Future: Return of the Joker in Europe and Australia) is a 2000 American direct-to-video superhero.
  3. Batman and Harley Quinn is clearly a response to the divisive critical reaction that greeted The Killing Joke at last year's San Diego Comic-Con.

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Whether its missing characters or questionable motives, Batman Beyond has its fair share of unanswered questions. Read up on its biggest mysteries. · Watch recent full episode of MTV shows on

That fact alone made at least the first issue of the comics series fun to dive into from the beginning, but Batman and Harley Quinn really stands out in the grander scheme of Harley- centric stories by blending Harley’s classic aesthetic with a voice much more in line with the person she is today. When we first met Harley 2. Batman mythos. Though she was introduced as such, Harley’s always been so much more than the Joker’s accomplice- cum- love- interest. While we’ve never been given a straight answer as to why the Joker became the chaotic foil to Batman’s fastidiousness, Harley’s origins have always been deeply rooted in choice. Harley chose to free the Joker from Arkham and join him in his never- ending campaign to terrorize Gotham and kill Batman. No matter how many times she may land behind bars or get locked up in Arkham herself, it’s almost always been understood that Harley knows she could just give up her life of crime and leave the Joker and his antics behind.

As insane as Harley often seems, she’s slipped back into a more sensible modality enough times that you get the sense that she’s much more in control of herself than she lets on. It’s that part of her character that’s always made her relationship with the Joker—which is objectively abusive and toxic—somewhat difficult to stomach. Watch Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost Online here. Harley loves her Puddin’, yes, but more often than not, that love’s been unrequited and caused Harley an inordinate amount of pain and difficulty. It took Harley’s comic book counterparts nearly 3. Batman and Harley Quinn’s take on the character begins.

During one of their rather routine outings committing hot sauce- related crimes, Harley and the Joker are interrupted by Batman, Nightwing, and a number of technical difficulties. Every weapon that the Joker tries to use against Gotham’s finest backfires and Harley can barely contain her fits of laughter at the sight of him. As Harley and the Joker run to make their escape in a Joker- shaped hot air balloon, the Joker quickly informs Harley that there’s only room for one, but when he attempts to make a go for the ride himself, he’s shocked to find that it’s been untethered, leaving him stranded. Without hesitation, Harley tells the Joker directly that all of the night’s problems—the destruction of his Joker- mecha, his backfiring guns—were all her doing as revenge for not paying her enough attention. As much as Harley does for the Joker, she explains, the only person he seems capable of caring about is Batman. Harley’s getting back at the Joker ends with the clown prince of crime being hauled off by Gotham PD, much to the astonishment of Batman and Nightwing, but given that this is a series about Harley teaming up with Bats, the ending isn’t all that surprising. Compared to a number of the other things that the Joker’s done to Harley over the years, his insensitivity toward her feelings in Harley Quinn and Batman is one of his lesser offenses.

Watch Batman: The Killing Joke Full Movie

But the very fact that his callousness toward her is enough to set her off is what makes Quinn’s characterization in this telling stand out. Rather than waiting around for the Joker to put her life in mortal danger again or to play more mind games with her, Harley decides that she’s fed up with his shit and just decides to do her own thing. Simple a choice as it may seem, it’s a move that we never really got to see Harley make for herself during The Animated Series, where her solo career was precipitated by the Joker choosing to kick her out of his gang. Harley’s always had a power and agency within herself that’s simmering just beneath the surface of her classic characterization.

Watch Batman: The Killing Joke Full Movie

Here, though, it’s bubbling over in the best possible way.

Batman Beyond: Unsolved Mysteries & Questions. First premiering in the late 1. Batman Beyond has come to be a beloved series in the greater DC Animated Universe, which includes both Batman and Superman, along with Static Shock and both Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. Taking place in a future where Bruce Wayne became a reclusive old man, the show’s main protagonist was Terry Mc.

Ginnis, a high school teen who ends up taking on the mantle of Gotham’s new Batman. Featuring an array of characters and heady themes (especially for a kids show), BB was a favorite among many and has remained popular to this day.

Unfortunately, the show didn’t receive a proper ending, as it was cancelled in the early 2. While it did receive a movie (Return of the Joker) and a sort- of finale in an episode of JLU, the show left some plot threads hanging, some of which could have been answered later, or were mysteriously abandoned early on. This list ponders and investigates mysteries the series (and movie) left us with, some of which went truly unanswered. We’re not including any comic book spin- off lore as hard truths, since how it would fit into the greater DCAU canon is nebulous at best. Also, certain episodes of JLU (most prominently “Epilogue”) will be brought up when relevant to the entry. Strap yourself in, because these are 1. Unresolved Mysteries And Plot Holes Bat.

Man Beyond Left Hanging. What happened to Max? Introduced in the episode “Splicers”, Max became one of Terry’s best friends and a major supporting character in the series. She was smart, sassy, but also very helpful and integral to helping Terry when he needed it.

She even learned he was Batman, meeting Bruce Wayne and assisting the both of them in the process. As such, she had a prominent role in most of the series. It’s what makes the question of what happened to her such an interesting one. This character was such a fixture of the show and Terry’s company that it’s odd her future is then put into question. She’s not mentioned in any of the JLU episodes that take place in the future; not even in “Epilogue”, which could have easily brought her up in some way, but didn’t. What happened to Hamilton Hill High? This one’s interesting because it implies something happened while we, the audience, weren’t looking.

At the end of BB, the high school seems just as fine as it has been since the very first episode. Sure, weird things have happened at the school (and plenty of villains have originated from it), but it was a functional place for students and teens.

But in the JLU ep “The Once and Future Thing, Part Two: Time, Warped”, we see that, at some point in the future, the high school is abandoned, derelict, now run by gangs. While the JLU episodes set in the future don’t offer too much info on what’s happened in the time since BB’s end, it does make one wonder why the high school of all places would be in such a bad state. Terry himself doesn’t seem to provide any info as he’s guiding JLU members through its halls, though it can be assumed that, for him, it’s no longer noteworthy. Why did Bruce/Babs happen?

Probably the most controversial thing to come out of BB, the show revealed that Barbara Gordon and Bruce Wayne were once a couple. There’s no explanation, and no real reason, either – other than to emphasize that Barbara knows a thing or two about how hard keeping a relationship with Bruce can be. However, we’re pretty sure her being a member of the Bat- Family was enough to check off that box. And that’s another thing: The Bat- Family is portrayed as a family, with Bruce the head and the Robins and Batgirl the apprentices.

A father and his adopted children, if you will. There’s something really creepy and off about an older Bruce and a much younger Barbara getting together, especially when there’s no build- up to this out- of- nowhere revelation. Some BB comics would later continue touching upon this plot thread, but its latest appearance in the animated adaption of The Killing Joke (and the hostile reaction to it) just goes to show how unnerved fans are about it.

How did the future Justice League form (and why does it only consist of 5 or so members)? Another mystery on par with the high school, the future of the DC universe seems to be a bit barren compared to the one seen in both JL and especially JLU. As seen in the two- part BB episode “The Call”, the Justice League is a functioning team, and while at the time of airing, it may have seemed pretty normal, retrospectively, it seems more than a bit off.

JLU was the first time the League got so many other members on their team, but due to the (chronologically) older BB episode, the team seems to be severely lacking. While Superman is still around, the group seems to have been greatly reduced (and the Watch Tower seems to no longer exist). They don’t even seem as big of a deal in this future.

We could chalk that up to BB having come out before JL and JLU, but it can still seem really weird when looking at the DCAU as a whole. The origins of Neo- Gotham? In fairness to this one, it seems to be following the old trait of “show, don’t tell.” And yet, one might very well like to know how Gotham went from being perpetually Art Deco to very futuristic and on par with Metropolis less than fifty years later. Granted, it could be explained as just playing around with the trope of a future city looking so drastically different than its past incarnation (as seen in many a sci- fi film).

That said, there are a few things about Neo- Gotham that don’t really get addressed. Never mind some of the tech on display, but why do so many of the buildings feature Chinese characters on them? How far has the human race gotten in the future, exactly?

Still, many of the mysteries of how Gotham came to be Neo aren’t explained, or even alluded to, leaving one to wonder how things got to this point in the future. What ultimately happened to Bruce?

When we first meet Bruce Wayne in the future of BB, he’s very much an old man. He’s given up the mantle of Batman and has Terry take over for him, while Bruce plays the role of guy- in- the- chair (more on that in #3). He still goes out from time to time, uses a cane, has a canine companion, and can even handle himself when need be.

Yet by the time we see him in the JLU episode “Epilogue”, it’s a surprise that he’s still alive and kicking; he looks like death and he’s popping pills. The main question here is, well, what ultimately becomes of Bruce?

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